If any of your checked baggage is missing or damaged on arrival at your destination's airport, please report this to a KM Malta Airlines staff member or representative immediately at our Baggage Services desk in the airport's Baggage Reclaim Area. A Property Irregularity Report (PIR) must be filled in immediately at the Baggage Services Desk in the Baggage Reclaim Area, and a claim must be submitted accordingly.

Our liability for lost, delayed, or damaged baggage may be limited by international conventions unless a higher value is declared in advance and additional charges are paid. Passengers are advised to obtain private travel insurance. Please note that the insurer will request the report issued by KM Malta Airlines on your arrival.

If your luggage doesn't arrive, please advise one of our staff or representatives immediately. The Baggage Services desk is usually situated in the Baggage Reclaim Area of the Arrivals Lounge. You will need to present your flight ticket and the baggage receipt which was given to you at check-in. A Property Irregularity Report (PIR) should be filled in immediately and we will then start the process of tracing your missing baggage. Unless the correct baggage receipt is presented to us, we are not liable for any missing baggage. Nonetheless, we will inform the departure airport about the matter.


  • On arrival: As soon as you fill in the PIR at the Baggage Reclaim Area, our staff will send a Primary Tracer to the flight's point of origin. If the baggage is traced immediately, it will be forwarded on the next available flight and a scheduled pick-up or delivery will be arranged.


  • First 5 days: If the baggage is not traced on arrival during the following 5 days, we will continue to endeavour to find your lost baggage. If the baggage is traced, you will be notified accordingly and a scheduled pick-up or delivery will be arranged. Any queries regarding Primary Tracing within the first 5 days, may be directed to [email protected] or +356 2369 6136 (open between 09:00hrs to 21:00hrs CET).


  • Between 6-21 days: If the baggage is not traced within 5 days, a Secondary Tracer will be sent out. If the baggage is then traced, it will then be forwarded on the next available flight and a scheduled pick-up or delivery will be arranged. Any queries regarding Secondary Tracing may be directed to [email protected].


  • After 21 days: In the unlikely event of a bag remaining untraced after 21 days, the baggage will be considered lost, and you may submit a claim, here

If you have personal travel insurance, we recommend contacting your insurer first in case you are covered for such situations. It's important to be aware that our liability for delayed, lost, or damaged baggage may be limited by international conventions unless a higher value is declared in advance with additional charges paid.

To ensure your luggage stands out and is easily identifiable, we highly recommend adding your own baggage label. This simple step becomes particularly valuable in the unlikely event that the check-in tag becomes torn off during handling. Personalising your baggage enhances its traceability and helps us provide you with the best service possible to retrieve your baggage.

Your baggage may show signs of wear and tear as a result of baggage handling. KM Malta Airlines does not assume liability for wear and tear caused to luggage, including but not limited to minor cuts, scratches, faulty zips, stains, and dents, or damage to protruding items like handles, wheels, labels, and straps.

Please note that we are not responsible for damages resulting from over-packing your luggage. To ensure the best travel experience, we recommend using luggage of suitable quality and durability that can withstand such baggage handling processes.

If your checked baggage arrives damaged, please advise one of our staff or representatives immediately. The Baggage Services desk is usually situated in the Baggage Reclaim area of the Arrivals Lounge. You will need to present your flight ticket and the baggage receipt which was given to you at check-in. A Property Irregularity Report (PIR) should be filled in immediately and a claim needs to be submitted within 7 days of arrival, here.

Make sure to keep proof that the damage was caused while your baggage was under our care, together with the correct baggage receipt.

For a smoother journey, choose sturdy luggage and pack wisely.

If you have any concerns, feel free to contact us for more information. 

For a hassle-free travel experience, when journeying with us and connecting to a flight with a different airline, you have the convenience of checking in your baggage just once to your final destination. To take advantage of this service:

  • Ensure you hold a confirmed reservation for both legs of your journey on the same ticket.
  • Your trip involves a stop while travelling in transit.
  • Confirm that we have a baggage-handling agreement with the second airline you're travelling with.

If you have any concerns, feel free to ask our staff or representatives at the airport, or contact us for more information. 

Before you disembark, our crew will remind you to check if you have all your possessions. However, if you find that something is missing, you should immediately contact a KM Malta Airlines representative in the Arrivals Hall and report the lost item. You will need to provide your flight and seat number, as well as a description of the missing property.

Keep in mind that the earlier you do this, the higher the chance of easily locating and retrieving your lost property as the aircraft is cleared as soon as you disembark and will need to be prepared for another journey.

If you only realise after you have left the airport that you have forgotten some property on board the aircraft, please contact our Baggage Services Office in Malta, on +356 2369 6136 or by sending an email on [email protected], who will do the utmost to retrieve your item, and get back in touch if your item is found. The office is open daily from Monday to Sunday between 09:00hrs and 21:00hrs.

Open a claim
Complete our online claim form for damaged, delayed, or lost checked-in baggage
Claim Form